Contactless underwater explosion simulations...
Predicting the transient response of submerged or floating structures affected by a pressure shock wave as a result of an underwater explosion.

Advanced Engineering > Fluid-Structure Interaction
UNDEX Analyses
This analysis method can be used to predict the transient response of submerged or floating structures that experience loading by a pressure shock wave resulting from an underwater explosion (UNDEX).

Explosion Analysis Around a
Cylindrical Shell
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Explosion Analysis Around a
Cylindrical Shell
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The spherical pressure wave associated with an UNDEX shock loading is characterized by a pressure distribution where the maximum pressure is attained over an extremely short time duration (rise time). The pressure then drops off exponentially over a significantly longer period of time. Therefore, UNDEX shock loads can be expected to excite submerged structures over a large frequency range that will include low, high, and intermediate response frequencies.

Undex analyses can be solved by coupled Lagrangian-Eulerian method as well as the full coupled Lagrangian - Lagrangian method by fluid zone that mimics the acoustic behavior of the surrounding water. Solutions can include the bubble effects of Undex shock loading and cavitation effects.
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Abaqus Turkey Users Meeting, of which Mesh Engineering & Software Co. is a regular participant, is going to be held on 17th-18th November 2011 in Istanbul Byotell.
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