Knowledge Production Center
Our works that were published or presented in various seminars, conferences and publications.
2010 - Website of
Good Design and Production with CAE Analysis
2009 - Ansys Advantage Magazine
Ansys advantage magazine - Delta Marine paper
2008 - Marstruct Istanbul 2008 Presentation
Hydro-Elastic Analysis of Marine Structures Using a Boundary Integral Equation Method
2008 - Turkish Journal of Engineering & Enviromental Science Paper
Numerical Prediction of Wave Drag of 2-D and 3-D Bodies under or on a Free Surface
2007- Inter Noise 2007 Conferance Paper
A hydroelastic vibration analysis of a container ship using finite element and boundary element methods.
2007 - Team 2007 Conferance Paper
Hydroelastic Analysis of a 1900 TEU Container Ship Using Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods.